Inner Order

Image credits; David Fulford
The title of this body of work Inner Order, continues to address the complex autobiographical issues experienced after the birth of my first child.
This work is also a reference to the formation of crystals. This process encapsulates the balance between the organic and the mathematical, that, in a way, is central to the oeuvre.
Crystals are defined as an established batch of molecules or atoms, a growth in other words. The concept of formation and growth resonates on many personal levels, from prenatal development to my experience with cancer.
Crystals come in many different shapes and sizes from simple cubic structures to hexagonal to double pyramids to tall spires, with up to 10 sides or more. Some are not symmetrical from one side to the other. The shape or order of the crystal structure is determined by its chemical components and its chemical bonds.
The triangulations and incised lines provided by this natural process find expression in many of these works.
Other sculptures reflect similar but man-made interventions such as quarried stone which has been cut for use in industry. An attempt to order and control an organic, expressive, naturally occurring form, this concept can equally be applied to my internal personal struggle to gain order & control of an unprecedented situation.
A signature aspect of the works are the instructive marks, grids and surface contusions that are placed on the sculptures echoing the manufacturing process of industry, as well as the random acts of man and nature. The patina created by natural weathering or erosion sparks imagination. All find expression in these pieces and give them a very contemporary feel.